Let me list the most common features in the Appointment module and their priority using MoSCoW Method.
X12 EDI Examples
EMR Appointment Features
EMR and PMS Links
New to Health care Domain? Here are some documents which can help you to understand the basics. I am trying to refer to the official link(where i downloaded the document) and as well as link to my server(some time, official links are broken).
Healthcare Introduction
All about Prescription
- An Introduction to ePrescription
- How ePrescribing works
- Paper Prescription workflow
- Electronic Prescription workflow
- Refill Paper Prescription workflow
- Refill Electronic Prescription workflow
Flow charts
- Medical Billing Overview
- Rooming Overview
- Medical Billing Flow chart
- EMR Test Visit Flow chart
- EMR Patient Examination Flow chart
- EMR Office visit Flow chart
- Medical Claim Life Cycle
- Claim Adjudication and Payment Flow chart
- EMR Office Visit
- Billing Flow chart
Good Website Design Links
- Label Placement in Forms
- International Address Fields in Web Forms
- 40 Eye-Catching Registration Pages
- blog-comment-form-designs-good-examples
- Wufoo Form Gallery
Left Navigation Bar
Search Form
- http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/beautiful-css3-search-form
- http://www.awcore.com/html/news/8/6-awesome-css-search-box_en#!prettyPhoto
- http://www.bloggermint.com/demos/css3searchbox/
- http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/css3-gradient-buttons
- Fast Rollovers Without Preload
CRUD operations
- Contrasting Foreground and Background Colors
- Background and Foreground Colors Test Page
- Background and Foreground combinations
- http://www.crockford.com/wrrrld/color.html
- http://www.colors.commutercreative.com/
- http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colornames.asp
- http://www.colorcombos.com/
- http://www.99colors.net/color-names
Open Source Demo
- https://demo.bookstackapp.com/login
- http://demo-acm-2.bird.eu/admin/admin/index/index/key/
- http://ordermanager.demo.fooman.co.nz/index.php/admin/dashboard/index/key/b0f87c48cbfaaf6dc3ab9779ba665f23/
Claims adjudication and payment
The Following picture demonstrates how insurance company processing the claims received from the clearing house.
EDI 5010 Documentation 837 Professional - Loop 2330A Other Subscriber Name
How to install Maven in the Windows
Let us see how we can first setup Maven in the Windows step by step.
EDI 5010 Documentation 837 Professional - Loop 2000C Patient Hierarchical Level
EDI 5010 Documentation – 837 Professional IEA Interchange Control Trailer
IEA – Interchange Control Trailer
Some Important Master screens for PMS
Last year I was involved in developing an independent system for PMS using VB6 with sql server 2005. I really enjoyed myself and love to work/complete that project. One of my best period in my life. But unfortunately, we could not able to market the product because of VB6 no longer used widely in the industry.
EDI 5010 Documentation–837 Loop 2000A - HL–Billing Provider Hierarchical Level
HL – Billing Provider Hierarchical Level
Physician Quality Reporting System - PQRS
Let me just summarized the information which i understood clearly about PQRS . The following information are taken from different websites and some of them of my own question and answer . And also I just want to have a reference about this, so that when I get chance to implement this, I can always come and refer here. At the end, I just summarized my thought on how we can implement in the EMR PMS Application.
EDI 5010 Documentation 837 Health care claim : Professional
Looking for best Practice Management software ? Please email at vbsenthilinnet@gmail.com
If you are new to Medical Billing, then please read this article first.
If you are new to EDI, then read the following articles
1. What is an EDI ?
2. EDI Transactions
3. Understanding EDI Structure
4. How to Read and Understand EDI File
5. EDI Instruction
6. Beginners Guide to EDI X12 (including HIPAA)
7. What is EDI Transaction Loops and Segments?
8. Understanding EDI-Loops, Segments, and Elements
We will see the complete documentation on 837 with different use case sample EDI File.
837 Loops (Click each of the loop to see the complete documentation)
EDI 837 Professional Loops and Segments
1. ISA Interchange Control Record
2. GS Functional Group Header
3. ST Transaction Set Header
4. BHT Beginning Hierarchical Transaction Segment
5. LOOP 1000A Submitter Name
6. LOOP 1000B Receiver Name
7. LOOP 2000A Billing Provider Hierarchical Level
8. LOOP 2010AA Billing Provider Name
9. LOOP 2000B Subscriber Hierarchical Level
10. LOOP 2010BA Subscriber Name
11. LOOP 2010BB Payer Name
12. LOOP 2000C Patient Hierarchical Level
13. LOOP 2300 Claim Information
13. LOOP 2300 Date information
14. LOOP 2300 CLIA Number
15. LOOP 2300 Prior Authorization or Referral Number
16. LOOP 2300 K3 Segment
17. LOOP 2300 Health care Diagnosis Code
18. LOOP 2310A Referring Provider Name
19. LOOP 2310B Rendering Provider
20. LOOP 2310C Service Facility Location
21. LOOP 2320 Other Subscriber Information (Coordination of Benefit COB)
22. LOOP 2330A Other Subscriber Name(Coordination of Benefit COB)
23. LOOP 2330B Other Payer Name (Coordination of Benefit COB)
24. LOOP 2400 Service Line
25. LOOP 2430 Line Adjudication Info (Coordination of Benefit COB)
26. SE Transaction Set Trailer
27. GE Functional Group Trailer
28. IEA Interchange Control Trailer
Looking for best Practice Management software ? Please email at vbsenthilinnet@gmail.com
EDI 837 Examples
Please note ; all these examples are tested against WPC First Pass software.
You can download trial version here.
Also, you can download the following trial version software to view/validate EDI File.
1. EDI Notepad
2. HIPPA Document Viewer 2
3. On Line Validator American Coders
4. On Line Validator EDIVance
The following open source converts X12 EDI File to XML and 1500.
OopFactory X12 Parser
The following URL discuss about other open source in EDI Software.
Comparing Open Source EDI Software
Download all EDI 837 Use cases
Sample EDI 837 File with different use case
Use case 1 |
Bill with Individual NPI Patient is same as the Insurer (Self). Bill to Patient Primary Insurance. No of Claims : 1 Claim No : 249 |
Download All files |
Use case 2 |
Bill with Individual NPI Patient is same as the Insurer (Self). Bill to Patient Primary Insurance. No of Claims : 2 (Two different patients, same primary insurance and same rendering provider ) Claim No : 249 and 250 |
Download All files |
Use case 3 |
Bill with Individual NPI Patient is same as the Insurer (Self). Bill to Patient Primary Insurance. Patient is referred by another Physician (Referring Provider) No of Claims : 1 No of Line Items : 4 Claim No : 251 |
Download All files |
Use case 4 |
In use case 4, we will combine the above three use cases claims and make one EDI File. So this EDI File will contain 3 Claims |
Download All files |
Use case 5 |
Bill with Group NPI Patient is same as the Insurer (Self). Bill to Patient Primary Insurance. No of Claims : 1 Claim No : 252 |
Download All files |
Use case 6 |
In this use case, we will combine all the claims created so far (use case 1 to use case 5) and we will make as one EDI File. No Of Claims : 4 Claim No : 249, 250, 251 and 252 |
Download All files |
Use case 7 |
Bill with Individual NPI Patient is NOT as Same as Insurer Bill to Patient Primary Insurance. No of Claims : 1 Claim No : 253 |
Download All filess |
Use case 8 |
Bill with Individual NPI Patient is same as the Insurer (Self). Bill to Patient Primary Insurance. All Claim Level Date included : Date Onset (431), Date Initial Treatment (454), Date Last Seen (304), Date Acute Manifestation (453), Date Accident (439), Date Last Menstrual (484), Date Last X-Ray (455), Date Last Worked(297) No of Claims : 1 Claim No : 254 |
Download All files |
Use case 9 |
Example for creating EDI for Secondary Insurance (Coordination of Benefits COB Segments) |
Download All files |
Use case 10 |
Example for creating EDI for Secondary Insurance (Coordination of Benefits COB Segments) |
Download All files |
Use case 11 |
Example for LOOP 2300 K3 Segment and CLIA Number |
Download All files |
Use case 12 |
Example for creating EDI for Secondary Insurance for more than one line item (Coordination of Benefits COB Segments) |
Download All files |
Use case 13 |
Example for creating EDI for Tertiary (3nd) Insurance for more than one line item (Coordination of Benefits COB Segments) |
Download All files |
Use case 14 |
Bulk Volume Claims 20 Claims in one EDI File |
Download All files |
You can download all use cases as one zip file here
- What is EDI?
- Beginners Guide to EDI X12 (including HIPAA)
- What is EDI Transaction Loops and Segments?
- Understanding EDI-Loops, Segments, and Elements
JSON to EDI 837 Professional
For more option, check our EDI Tool
URL : https://demo.nagatabilling.com/NagataEDITool/login.zhtml
User Name : demo
password : demo
Looking for best Practice Management software ? Please email at vbsenthilinnet@gmail.com
Questions or feedback are always welcome. You can email me at vbsenthilinnet@gmail.com
EDI 5010 Documentation–837 - BHT - Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction
BHT – Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction
Hibernate Validator - Creating custom constraints @Required – Example 4
In this post, we will see how we can create our own custom constraints tailored to our specific requirements.
Hibernate Validator - Creating custom constraints–Example
In this post, we will see how we can create our own custom constraints tailored to our specific requirements.
Hibernate Validator Example 2
In this example, we will see some more validation constraints such as @email, @past, @length, etc. And also we will also define custom error message.
Hibernate Validator Examples
Here is the introduction notes from the hibernate documentation
In the first example, we will see very basic not null constraint validation. Here is the Step by Step Tutorial.
In the second example, we will see some more constraint validation. Here is the Step by Step Tutorial.
In this example, we will see how we can create our custom constraint validation. Here is the Step by Step Tutorial.
In this example, we will see how we can create our custom constraint @Required. Here is the Step by Step Tutorial.
In this example, nothing is new, we will take care example 2 and will use the utility class to perform validation. Here is the Step by Step Tutorial.
ZK Examples Index Page
ZK Projects
ZK 7 Project Start-up Kit – Theme with full source code and support |
ZK 8.5 Version Video Tutorials . All New created in July 2018
ZK Free Examples and Tutorials
ZK Maven | Create and Run Your First ZK 7 Application with Eclipse and Maven | |
ZK 7 | ZK 7 Simple Form Design(s) Part 1 | |
ZK 7 | ZK with External style sheet | |
ZK MVVM | MVVM – Introduction | |
ZK MVVM | MVVM Examples–Example 1 | |
ZK MVVM | MVVM Examples–Example 2 | |
ZK 7 | ZK MVVM Simple List Box Example | |
ZK 7 | How to show particular row in ZK Listbox with different color in MVVM | |
ZK 7 | ZK 7 MVVM List Box Select All and Unselect all Records | |
ZK 7 | ZK MVVM List box with check box – Simple Example | |
ZK List Box | Move List box item up and Down using MVVM Design Pattern | |
ZK List Box | List Item Double click event on selected Item using MVVM | |
ZK List Box | ZK List box inline Editing with Add New and Delete action | |
ZK List Box | ZK MVVM List box with Dynamic Template | |
ZK 7 Hibernate | ZK 7 + MySQL + Hibernate + Spring + Integration example | |
ZK 7 Excel | ZK 7 Export to Excel | |
ZK File Upload | Simple example to upload PDF file in the server and show the content using iframe - MVVM | |
ZK File Upload | ZK 7 upload PDF to server and show in the screen using MVVM–Part 2 | |
ZK Tab box | Load Tab box Content on Demand Using MVVM (Onselect Event) | |
ZK Grid | ZK Grid inline Editing with Add New and Delete action | |
ZK Upload | ZK Dropupload example | |
ZK Report | Create a Report with ZK using iReport 5.1.0 and JasperReports | |
ZK Menu | ZK Dynamic Menu Part 1 | Demo |
ZK Tree | ZK Dynamic Menu Part 2 Using Tree Component | Demo |
ZK Group Box | ZK Dynamic Menu Part 3 Using Group Box and Tool Bar Button | Demo |
ZK Tab Box | ZK Dynamic Menu Part 4 Using Tab box and Tool Bar Button | Demo |
ZK Menu | ZK Dynamic Menu Part 5 Using Tab Box, Tool Bar and Group Box | Demo |
ZK 7 Nav Bar | ZK Dynamic Menu Part 6 Using ZK 7 Navigation Bar | |
ZK Combo | MVC Two combo Box – Fill second combo based on first combo selection | |
ZK Combo | ZK MVVM Combo Box value Converter | |
ZK Validation | Simple Example for ZK Input Form Validation | |
ZK MVC | Listing Search using MVC Pattern | Demo |
ZK MVC Passing arguments | Part 1, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window does not have any controller attached. | Demo |
ZK MVC Passing arguments | Part 2, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached to the controller and we will receive the arguments in the controller and display back to UI. | Demo |
ZK MVC Passing arguments | Part 3, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached to the controller and we will receive the arguments in the controller and display back to UI. Same as Part 2, but we will use ZK ‘s annotated data binding manager utility. | Demo |
ZK MVC Passing arguments | Part 4, This article will focus on the How to return values from the child window (Modal) to the Calling Parent Window using ZK Event Queues concept. | Demo |
ZK MVC Passing arguments | Part 5, This article will focus on the How to return values from the child window (Modal) to the Calling Parent Window using ZK Send Event | Demo |
ZK MVC Passing arguments | Example on Passing arguments in MVC | Demo |
ZK MVVM Passing arguments | Part 1, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window does not have any VM attached. | Demo |
ZK MVVM Passing arguments | Part 2, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached with VM and arguments are received in the VM and update the UI. | Demo |
ZK MVVM Passing arguments | Part 3, This article will focus on the How to pass some arguments from one window(Parent) to modal window(Child) where child window attached with VM and arguments are received in the VM and update the UI. After child window is closed, we will return the value to the parent window. | Demo |
ZK MVVM Passing arguments | Part 4, In this post, we will see how we can pass parameter between two zul files attached by MVVM using URL Redirect | Demo |
ZK Login Form CSS | ZK Login form Design | |
ZK Login | ZK + Spring Security Login form–Part 1 | |
ZK Login | ZK + Spring Security Login form–Part 2 | |
ZK Login | ZK + Spring Security Login form–Part 3 | |
ZK Login | ZK + Spring Security Login form– Additional Login Parameters - Part 4 | |
ZK Login | ZK + Spring Security Login form–Part 5 |
ZK Window | ZK 7 Window CSS Example1 | |
ZK Group Box | ZK 7 Group Box Example 1 | |
ZK 7 | ZK 7 Message box CSS | |
ZK TextBox | Small Search Box |
ZK Small Application
ZK MVVM CRUD Example without DB Connection Step by step tutorial on ZK MVVM CRUD Operation without any DB Connection. online Demo here |
ZK MVVM With Spring + JPA + Hibernate Entity Manager |
ZK MVVM With Spring + Hibernate 4 API Direct |
ZK MVC CRUD With Spring 3 + JPA + Hibernate 4 Entity Manager. |
ZK + Spring Security Custom Login form. |
ZK + Spring + MVVM + Hibernate - Small Application Highlights |
ZK 7 + Spring + MVVM + Hibernate + MySQL + List Box Highlights |
MVVM Command annotation and Notify change example
Here is an example, how to pass parameter on a zul through MVVM Command binding annotation.
ZK Hibernate one to Many annotation mapping bidirectional CRUD example using MVVM
In this post, we will see how we can implement hibernate one to Many mapping (master & detail) bidirectional using ZK Components
One to many mapping using bidirectional relationship – onetoMany as Owner
First let us look the hibernate documentation on this as follows
EMR In-house Lab workflow
Back to domain
In my last company, we follow the below workflow for the in-house lab order. Please note : Even though I mention as use case, but it may not have all the typical structure of a use case. I will explain in my own way.
One to many mapping using bidirectional relationship– ManytoOne as owner
First let is look the hibernate documentation on this as follows
Hibernate–Java Environment setup
We will see how we can setup the Environment in eclipse to learn our examples in hibernate.
EDI 5010 Documentation 837 Professional - Loop 2320 Other Subscriber Information
2320 Other Subscriber Information
My date box Component
Using jquery plugin, we will create our date box component in ZK and apply mask and water mark. You can download the jquery plugin from the following site
Tech Links
Spring Security
- Spring Security Part 1 – Simple Login application with database
- quick-spring-security tutorial in eclipse step by step
Spring + Hibernate + JPA + Entity Manager
- Integrate with spring and JPA and ZK
- JPA basic example with EntityManager , Spring and Maven
- Step by step configuration of Spring , Hibernate and JPA
- http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/one-to-many-jpa-hibernate-config-reference.html
Spring Service and DAO Layer
- Developing A Simple Java Application With Spring using Service and DAO Layers
- http://www.mkyong.com/spring/maven-spring-hibernate-annotation-mysql-example/
- http://vrtoonjava.wordpress.com/2012/06/17/part-3-dao-and-service-layer/
- http://www.techferry.com/articles/spring-annotations.html
HibernateTemplate or EntityManager
- http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?73629-EntityManager-versus-getHibernateTemplate()
- http://blog.michaelscepaniak.com/differences-between-hibernate-and-jpa
- http://blog.springsource.com/2007/06/26/so-should-you-still-use-springs-hibernatetemplate-andor-jpatemplate/
- http://www.coderanch.com/t/442507/oa/EntityManager-getHibernateTemplate
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12555055/jpas-entitymanager-or-hibernates-hibernatetemplate-with-spring
- http://www.baeldung.com/2011/12/13/the-persistence-layer-with-spring-3-1-and-jpa/
Generic DAO
- http://www.bejug.org/confluenceBeJUG/display/BeJUG/Generic+DAO+example
- http://hop2croft.wordpress.com/2011/06/23/dont-repeat-the-dao-no-repitas-el-dao/
- http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/251166/The-Generic-DAO-pattern-in-Java-with-Spring-3-and
- http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-genericdao/index.html
Spring and Hibernate ORM Framework Integration.
1. http://www.javabeat.net/2007/10/integrating-spring-framework-with-hibernate-orm-framework/
2. http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/reference/orm.html
3. http://blog.springsource.org/2012/04/06/migrating-to-spring-3-1-and-hibernate-4-1/
4. http://javaprogrammingtips4u.blogspot.in/2010/04/spring-integration-with-hibernate_23.html
ZK Hibernate one to one annotation mapping bidirectional CRUD example using MVVM
In this post, we will see how we can implement hibernate one to one mapping bidirectional using ZK Components
ZK Component extend
In this post, we will see how we can create our component by extending ZK Component. All the jquery plugin can be used in ZK. The following example will explain how to create Phonebox, Zip Code and Tax ID.
ZK Messagebox Styling
This examples show how you can use change the Look and Feel of ZK MessageBox Component.
Combo Box– Show images for Items based on some condition
We will see how we can also show the images for the combo items bases on some conditions.
ZK Border Layout–Another example
This examples show how you can use ZK Border Layout to show the product information on clicking image.
MVVM–List Item–Hibernate–MySQL–Part 3
Note: This is continuation of my previous article Part 2. Please click here to go to Part 2
In this Part 3, we will enhance our Listing and model window as follows
1. We will include one more column as last named as Actions. This action will contain image such as edit, activate and delete.
2. We will also give hyperlink for the first column. If the user clicks the first column, then we will show the information in the read-only and if the user clicks the edit image in the action column, then we will show the information in the read only and will allow the user to edit and save.
C Workbook
In the year 1999-2002, I was working as faculty in a computer center. During that period, I developed a small VB Application to explain the concept of C. Here are the some screenshots from that VB Project
MVVM Modal window–Pass Parameter and Return values
In this post, we will see how we can pass some values to the modal window when calling from the parent window and also vice versa (i.e) return some values from the modal window to parent window
Project Name : MVVMModalWindow
Project Structure:
<?page title="new page title" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"?>
<window title="MVVM Modal window Passing arguments and retur values"
border="normal" apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
viewModel="@id('e') @init('com.demo.UI.demoVM')">
Type any value and Press the Model Window Button
<separator />
Value 1 :
<textbox value="@bind(e.value1)" />
Value 2 :
<textbox value="@bind(e.value2)" />
<button label="Model Window" onClick="@command('showModelWin')" />
package com.demo.UI;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.BindingParam;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.GlobalCommand;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange;
public class demoVM {
private String value1;
private String value2;
public String getValue1() {
return value1;
public void setValue1(String value1) {
this.value1 = value1;
public String getValue2() {
return value2;
public void setValue2(String value2) {
this.value2 = value2;
public void showModelWin()
final HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("value1", this.value1 );
map.put("value2", this.value2);
Executions.createComponents("ModelWindow.zul", null, map);
public void refreshvalues(@BindingParam("returnvalue1") String str1, @BindingParam("returnvalue2") String str2)
this.value1 = str1;
this.value2 = str2;
<?page title="new page title" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"?>
<window id="modalDialog"
title="MVVM Modal window Passing arguments and retur values"
width="420px" height="auto" border="normal" minimizable="false"
mode="modal" maximizable="false" closable="true"
action="hide: slideUp" apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
viewModel="@id('e') @init('com.demo.UI.ModelWindowVM')">
Change the values and Press the Ok Button to return changed
<separator />
Value 1 :
<textbox value="@bind(e.value1)" />
Value 2 :
<textbox value="@bind(e.value2)" />
<button label="Ok" onClick="@command('save')" />
package com.demo.UI;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextParam;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextType;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ExecutionArgParam;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Init;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.select.Selectors;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.select.annotation.Wire;
import org.zkoss.zul.Window;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.zkoss.bind.BindUtils;
import java.util.Map;
public class ModelWindowVM {
private Window win;
private String value1;
private String value2;
public String getValue1() {
return value1;
public void setValue1(String value1) {
this.value1 = value1;
public String getValue2() {
return value2;
public void setValue2(String value2) {
this.value2 = value2;
public void init(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view,
@ExecutionArgParam("value1") String v1,
@ExecutionArgParam("value2") String v2) {
Selectors.wireComponents(view, this, false);
this.value1 = v1;
this.value2 = v2;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void save() {
Map args = new HashMap();
args.put("returnvalue1", this.value1);
args.put("returnvalue2", this.value2);
BindUtils.postGlobalCommand(null, null, "refreshvalues", args);
public void closeThis() {
Now you can run the demo.zul file