X12 EDI 837 Submitting corrected Claims

Corrected claims can be submitted electronically as an EDI 837 transaction with the appropriate frequency code as follows.

Code Description
1 Indicates the claim is an original claim
7 Indicates the new claim is a replacement or corrected claim – the information present on this bill represents a complete replacement of the previously issued bill.
8 Indicates the claim is a voided/cancelled claim

This value should be passed in the Claim Segment CLM  in CLM05- as shown here

When submitting claims noted with claim frequency code 7 or 8, the original Payer claim number, also referred to as the Document Control Number (DCN) must be submitted in Loop 2300 REF02 – Payer Claim Control Number
with qualifier F8 in REF01. The DCN can be obtained from the 835 Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) or Electronic Payment Summary (EPS). Without the original DCN, adjustment requests will generate a compliance error and the claim will reject.

Here is example with DCN Number


In order to void/cancel the previously submitted claim , File electronically, as usual. Include all
charges that were on the original claim and with claim frequency code  8 .

CLM* PUBLICJQ-00100*468*13:A:8*Y**Y*********Y~