Well, what makes difference between our Practice Management System PMS and those already in the market ? Simple, We have been in the Medical billing revenue cycle management for more than decade of years. And also, this software was completely written by the senior Technical functional analysts and domain experts, not with the entry level or middle level developers.
The advantage of being techno functional role is, we know how to translate the exact requirements of the billing user into technical stuffs without adding unnecessary flavours into it. We exactly understand the requirements of the data entry users who works in the doctor billing department. Since we have our Medical Billing department, it is easy for us to understand the end users language.
Personally, this is my 5th opportunity to write this PMS software on various Computer Languages. In the year 2003, started writing coding for Practice management System in Microsoft Visual Basic 6, and then Microsoft access for small providers, and then move to VB.Net and now in purely using Open source technologies to achieve the same result in WEB.
More than the features, we have been focusing on the following items also.
1. Mouse less data entry.
2. Reduce the Number of clicks.
3. Quick Look up options without loosing the current context.
Contact Us - Business Enquiries and Complete Demo
1. Email to vbsenthilinnet@gmail.com and jperez@medxgroup.com
2. Call Jorge Perez at 305 858 5580
Some of the Key features
1. Web based application compatible to all modern browsers.
2. Mouse less data entry in all the places.
3. Quick jump to option without closing current working screen.
4. provider insurance credentialing can be customized by each insurance if necessary.
5. Procedure Fee can be setup by insurance, provider and By location if necessary.
6. Can be connect to any existing EMR software to pull the patient visit information via HL7 or web service call or Direct connect to DB.
7. User friendly screens and navigation
8. Connected to clearing house to push the EDI Transactions and to Pull the reports.
9. Provider Appointment Management.
10. You can customize screen access by Role and By User.
11. Online Insurance Eligibility check.
12. Customize application theme. Default green theme. You can change to other theme also.
Technologies Used
1. Java
2. ZK Framework
3. Spring Security
4 Hibernate ORM
5. Jasper Studio
6. MySQL Database
Some of the screen shots from our Dream PMS.
1. You can scan patient Driving license card and create or update patient demographics on the Fly.
2. Patient demographics detail data capture.
4. Patient Dashboard.
For a given patient, User can easily jump to various screens in the system to see the details.
5. Charge Entry.
6. Search Claims.
You can search for claims with all possible search conditions.
1. Export to Excel.
2. Save the search condition and retrieve back.
3. Customize Fields Layout
4. New CMS 1500 Form Preview
6. Search Procedure/Line Items.
You can search for claims with all possible search conditions.
1. Export to Excel.
2. Save the search condition and retrieve back.
3. Customize Fields Layout
4. New CMS 1500 Form Preview
7. Patient Ledger.
8. Patient Statement.
9. Patient Insurance.
10. Patient Receipts.
11. Submit Electronic Claims.
12. Change Application theme. Don't like green ? well change to grey as shown
After changing the theme:
13. Provider Setup
13. Insurance Setup
14. Most commonly Used codes
14. Role and User based Screen access control